
Preparation of home

We ask that the home is in photo-ready condition upon the start of the photography appointment. While we are happy to move a few small items to tidy things up, in general, we will photograph the house as it is upon arrival. If rescheduling is necessary due to a home not being ready, please note that a fee may be incurred.

Licensing and usage

As U.S. copyright law protects original works of authorship, including photography and video, We Heart Indy Homes retains all rights to the photographs and videos taken during the session. Upon payment of all fees due, you, as the client, are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the photographs/videos for marketing purposes related to the sale or rental of the property and for marketing yourself as a real estate agent or business.

We simply require that you do not share the photographs or videos with other individuals or businesses for their own use. If a third party (e.g. interior designer, staging company, contractor, landscaper, builder) wishes to use the photos for their own marketing purposes or some other use, please ask them to contact us and we can grant them a license for the images they wish to use for a per-image fee.

Access to Property

By booking an appointment, you are confirming that you have the authority to give us access to the property and that you have given proper notice to the homeowners or tenants.

Cancellation and Rescheduling

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, we kindly request a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling.

Floor Plans

Our floor plan product is intended to show the general layout and dimensions of the property. While our floor plans are typically 95% accurate, numbers may differ from public records or architectural plans.

Social Media

Tagging us on social media is not required but always appreciated! We are grateful if you tag us in any photos of ours that you share. We are @weheartindyhomes on Instagram, and on Facebook, you can find us under our company name, We Heart Indy Homes.